A Flash of White Abstract
6" x 6" Acrylic on loose canvas
This is my final abstract for the thirty day challenge. I had fun with this one as I had initially wanted to try using two or three new instruments on it. They are called "shapers" and are simply made out of silicone, two of them being pointed and the third one flat. The idea is that you can move the paint around by using these shapers. It didn't work too well for me so I'll have to try again at some other time.
I did, however, try a couple of colours that I had not used before: Quniacridone Magenta (the name itself is enough to make one curious), and Prussian Blue which is a very intense, dark blue almost like black. Both of these colours have potential and I will probably use more of the Prussian Blue. I does make some nice greens.
When I thought I had finished the painting I hung it above my desk as I always do with each painting so that I could look at it for a while before saying it's finished. As I looked I felt if was way too dark generally, so in a flash of genius I simply took some white and put in a flash of paint, hence the name "A flash of White Abstract.
25 down, 5 to go!!
nicely done!