
Monday, 20 January 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day 20
Beautiful Birch - Knife Painting
6" x 6" Acrylic on loose canvas

Isn’t the birch tree a magnificent tree as it stands so tall and erect in is simple black and white robe?  I have always admired this tree and I recall many trips driving from Calgary to Victoria, particularly in some areas of the interior, where I would stop the car in order to get out and photograph a grove of birch trees.  I knew they would someday be resources for paintings that I would ultimately do.

Here, then, is a grove of “Beautiful Birch” as painting # 20 in the 30 day challenge.  This was painted entirely with the knife.  This time I chose to use open acrylics which means that they dry considerably slower than the traditional acrylics.  The drying time is somewhere between traditional acrylics and oil.  Again I had opportunity to experiment and learn as I spent two hours painting this.

This has, again, been a busy morning as I drove my wife to work, had a Doctors appointment, made a couple of other stops on business as I was in the area, and now finally get the painting posted!  I thought things would slow down in retirement!

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