
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day 15
Geometric Abstract
6" x 6" Acrylic on loose canvas

One of the interesting things about the “30 paintings in 30 days challenge” is that it is causing me to think about painting and art 24 hours a day.  For example the Sunflower I posted for day 12 was all thought out, organized, and painted in my mind long before I got out of bed that morning.  I knew exactly what colors I would use.  I knew that it would be a knife painting.  I knew that I wanted to try some Golden medium.  So when I went into my studio in the morning it was simply a matter of doing what had been already painted, perhaps two or three times, in my mind during the night.

Then, for today’s painting, “geometric abstract”, the inspiration came to me suddenly as I was driving my wife home from work one late afternoon.  I thought it would be good to use equilateral triangles and have them overlap into each other and yet maintain a small equilateral triangle in the middle of the three.  When I got home I immediately cut out three triangles and began arranging them on the canvas.  Finding the composition that seemed to fit the canvas the best I then painted them.  I chose to use the three secondary colours of mauve, green and orange.  But, when I had finished those three triangles it seemed that the lower left hand part of the canvas was a bit too bare so I decided to put three smaller triangles in using the primary colors of yellow, blue, and red.  Do you see how the equilateral triangles, having three points, fit the scheme of this painting?

So, here in this geometric abstract I have used the three primary colors, the three secondary colors, plus white and black.  Every color one needs to paint anything they can dream of in their minds whether awake or asleep.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one too Gerry. I like your colour choices and the way they fit the page and overlap just enough. Well done!!
