Glazing #2
6" x 6" Acrylic on loose canvas
You've heard it said "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again". Well, even on the second attempt there may not be success. Didn't Thomas Edison try something like 100 times before there was success with the light bulb?
So this painting is another attempt at glazing with transparent acrylics. I didn't get the results I wanted or was expecting with day 16, although many people liked it, so I needed to try again. And I still didn't succeed although I think the result is quite interesting. Sometimes you just go with what is and try to make the best of it. The result on this one is what Bob Ross probably would call a "happy accident".
Part of this 30 paintings in 30 days challenge is to experiment and try new challenges. I know that my best paintings are never done under circumstances such as this. I have not set out to paint a Master Piece in two hours, but all in all it has been a great experience. And there are only 8 paintings to go!
It's really great to see you can glaze with acrylics, I thought you could only do that with oils. I need to get out more :)