Metchosin Barn
6" x 6" Acrylic on loose canvas
For the last few years I have been meeting together with three other artists in the Metchosin area to paint. We usually meet once a month for a full Saturday and have an enjoyable time helping and learning from one another. On one of the Saturdays I happened to spot this barn tucked back in the bushes and immediately thought I would like to paint it some day. Well, that someday has arrived, so here is lucky day 13's posting.
As always, for every artist, there are things that we see that should or could be improved. We are usually not satisfied with what we see on the canvas - the painting is never done! But for this challenge I have limited myself to a maximum of two hours for each painting and at the end of that time I stop. This does two things for me. It forces me to stay focused on the task, and it keeps me from fiddling with little things that might ultimately ruin the painting.
On to number 14 and then to the half way mark. How exciting is this!
I really like this one Gerry. Some day I'm going to photograph every old barn and fence I can find. Well done on your challenge! Keep on keeping on.