6" x 6" Acrylic on loose canvas
My 8 year old grandson loves all kinds of creepy, crawly creatures like worms, and slugs, and snakes and all of those things that give me the shivers. When I saw this snail a while back rushing along on the sidewalk leading to our front door, I hurried to get my camera to get a picture before it scampered away. I figured I would paint it for him some day, but didn't realize that it would be for the "30 paintings in 30 days challenge".
I guess, in some ways, I identify with this snail because I find as I mature in years (nice term for get older) I tend to move at a snail's pace sometimes. It takes me a little longer to do things now than if did 70 years ago. Yes, I am even older than that! The old joints and muscles sometimes don't like to move too fast. The legs are getting weak, the eyesight is dimming, and the memory is failing. My studio is on the lower level and I can sometimes go upstairs with something on my mine, but by the time I get there I have forgotten what is was I was going for. Ah, so is life! Enough of the philosophizing.
I found this was interesting to paint, particularly because it doesn't have any brighter colors in it. It is pretty much the dull color of the cement sidewalk and the snail itself almost blends in with that dull color. Maybe it's a way of camouflaging itself. Anyway, I was able to take a picture before it rushed away and here is the painting for day 14.
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