
Saturday, 10 January 2015

Day 10 of 30 day challenge

This amazing rock is located just to the west of Okatooks, Alberta.  It is massive and amazingly it is out in an open field with not many other rocks around it.  There are not even many smaller rocks to be found in the area.  So, how did the rock get there?  Was it the result of some catastrophic geological explosion that furled it miles and miles away from the mountains that can be seen in the distance?  Was it deposited as it glided along on some ice flow and then dropped as the ice melted?  Who knows for sure?  Whatever, it is a site that attracts many visitors year after year.  I have been there many times and have stood in wonder, amazement, and awe trying to imagine how and why it is there.  I don't know!

8" x 8" acrylic on loose canvas

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